0x00 |
stop |
Stops program execution. |
0x01 |
jump |
Alters the program execution counter to the value of the first item of the stack. |
0x02 |
jumpi |
If the boolean value in head of the stack is true, then alters the program execution counter to the value of the second item in the stack. |
0x04 |
call |
Firstly, it pushes current program counter to a separate stack (the so called 'call stack'). Then, it alters the program execution counter to the value of the first item of the stack. |
0x05 |
ret |
Alters the program execution counter to the value of the first item of the call stack (see CALL opcode). |
0x06 |
pcall |
Takes two words by which it is followed. They are address a and the number of parameters n , respectively. Then it executes the program with the address a and only passes there $n$ top elements of the stack. |
0x07 |
lcall |
Takes three words by which it is followed.They are address a , function f and the number of parameters n , respectively. Then it executes the function f of the library (which is a special form of program) with address a and only passes there $n$ top elements of the stack. |
0x08 |
scall |
Takes id of the function from the standard library and executes it. |
0x10 |
pop |
Removes the first item from the stack. |
0x11 |
push |
Pushes the data primitive following the opcode to the stack. Refs are prohibited |
0x12 |
dup |
Duplicates the first item of the stack. |
0x13 |
dupn |
Duplicates the (n+1) -th item of the stack where n is the first item in the stack. |
0x14 |
swap |
Swaps the first two items in the stack. |
0x15 |
swapn |
Swaps the second item of the stack with the (n+1) -th item of the stack where n is the first item in the stack. |
0x20 |
new |
Puts the data following the opcode to the heap. Pushes the reference to the stack. Refs in structs and ref arrays are prohibited. |
0x21 |
array_get |
Takes the reference to the array and the index from the stack.Pushes to the stack a primitive at index in array corresponding by the given reference. |
0x22 |
struct_get |
Takes the reference to the struct and key from the stack.Pushes to the stack a primitive at the key in the struct corresponding by the given reference. |
0x24 |
array_mut |
Takes the reference to array, primitive and index from the stack.Puts a primitive at index in the array corresponding by the given reference. |
0x25 |
struct_mut |
Takes the key, primitive and reference to the struct from the stack.Puts a primitive at the key in struct corresponding by the given reference. |
0x27 |
primitive_put |
Puts the top item from the stack to the memory.Pushes the reference to the stack. |
0x28 |
primitive_get |
Uses the top item from the stack as referenceto to data in the program memory. Pushes retrieved data to the stack. |
0x29 |
new_array |
Takes the type of the desired array from the stack. Takes the length of the desired array from the stack. Pushes the new array reference to the stack. |
0x30 |
length |
Takes the reference to the array or Bytes or Utf8 from the stack. Pushes the length of the given array, Bytes or Utf8 to the stack. |
0x50 |
sput |
Pops the first item from the stack, interprets it as key. Pops the second item from the stack, interprets it as value. Puts a (key -> value) record to program's storage. If value is a ref, the correspondent value will be taken from the heap. The referenced value shouldn't be RefArray and shouldn't be Struct with refs in the field values. |
0x51 |
sget |
Pops the first item from the stack, interprets it as key, retrieves the corresponding record from the program storage and pushes the record to the stack. Otherwise throws an exception. |
0x52 |
sdrop |
Pops the first item from the stack, interprets it as key and removes the corresponding record from the program storage. |
0x53 |
sexist |
Pops the first item from the stack, interprets it as key and checks the existence of the record corresponding to the key in the program storage. |
0x60 |
add |
Makes '+' operation on two top items from the stack. Pushes the result to the stack. |
0x61 |
mul |
Makes '*' operation on two top items from the stack. Pushes the result to the stack. |
0x62 |
div |
Makes '/' operation on two top items from the stack. Pushes the result to the stack. |
0x63 |
mod |
Makes '%' operation on two top items from the stack. Pushes the result to the stack. |
0x67 |
lt |
Checks that the top stack item is less than the subsequent stack item. Pushes the Bool result to the stack. |
0x68 |
gt |
Checks that the top stack item is greater than the subsequent stack item. Pushes the Bool result to the stack. |
0x80 |
not |
Logical NOT (negation).Pops items from the stack. If it is 'true' pushes 'false' to the stack. If it is 'false' pushes 'true' to the stack. |
0x81 |
and |
Makes 'and' operation on two items from the stack. Pushes the result to the stack. |
0x82 |
or |
Makes 'or' operation on two items from the stack. Pushes the result to the stack. |
0x83 |
xor |
Makes 'xor' operation on two items from the stack. Pushes the result to the stack. |
0x84 |
eq |
Checks that the top stack item is equal to the subsequent stack item. Pushes the Bool result to the stack. |
0x90 |
cast |
Casts the primitive to another type. |
0x91 |
concat |
Takes two items from stack. Concatenates them and puts the result to the stack. |
0x92 |
slice |
Takes the start index, end index and item from the stack. Makes a slice of item and puts the result to the stack. |
0xA0 |
from |
Gives the current executor address. |
0xA1 |
meta |
0xA2 |
paddr |
Gives the current program address. |
0xA5 |
pcreate |
Takes the address (pubKey), bytecode, and its ed25519 signature. If the signature is valid and the program didn't exist before at the specified address, creates a new program. |
0xA6 |
pupdate |
Takes the address of the existing program, code and signature. The signature is computed from the concatenation of an old code and a new code of the program |
0xA7 |
code |
Take the address of a program. Pushes program bytecode to the stack |
0xA8 |
seal |
Takes the address of the existing program and signature of code with a seal mark. The signature is computed from the concatenation of the 'Seal' word (in UTF8 encoding) and the current program code. |
0xA9 |
throw |
Takes a string from the stack and throws an error with description as the given string that stops the program. |
0xAA |
event |
Takes string and arbitrary data from the stack, create a new event with a name as the given string and with the given data. |
0xAB |
callers |
Gets caller's 'call stack' (see CALL opcode) and pushes it to the stack |
0xAC |
height |
Gets the current height of the blockchain and pushes it to the stack. |
0xAD |
hash |
Gets the hash of the last block and pushes it to the stack. |
0xAE |
time |
Gets the timestamp of the last block and pushes it to the stack. |
0xAF |
pexist |
Takes the address (pubKey). Returns true if the program with the given address exists, otherwise false |
0xB0 |
vupdate |
Takes address (pubKey). Returns true if the program with the given address exists, otherwise false. |
0xC0 |
transfer |
Gets two parameters a and n from the stack and transfers n native coins from the executor account to the account a . |
0xC1 |
ptransfer |
Gets two parameters a and n from the stack and transfers n native coins from the current program account to the account a |
0xC2 |
balance |
Takes the address from the stack, pushes the native coin balance to the stack |