How to Pack Your Game for Expload Platform

General Requirements

Game archive must be a single zip-archive file.

Game Archive Naming Requirements

The name must only contain Latin letters without any special characters.

Game Archive Content Requirements

The game archive must contain everything to run the game without installing it.

Windows Platform

For the Windows platform, expload.json file must be in the root of the zip archive with the following contents:

  "executable": "relative path to executable file"

Example 1.

expload.json file contents

  "executable": "MagickCreatures/MagickCreatures.exe"

Archive contents:
├── expload.json
└── MagickCreatures
    ├── MagickCreatures_Data
    ├── MagickCreatures.exe
    ├── Mono
    ├── UnityCrashHandler64.exe
    └── UnityPlayer.dll

Example 2.

expload.json file contents

  "executable": "CryptoCCG.exe"

Archive contents:
├── CryptoCCG_Data
├── CryptoCCG.exe
├── expload.json
├── MonoBleedingEdge
├── UnityCrashHandler64.exe
└── UnityPlayer.dll

macOs Platform

For macOs, instead of the executable file, you need to specify the path to .app

  "executable": "relative path to .app"


expload.json file contents

  "executable": ""

Archive contents:
├── expload.json
         ├── ...

Important! For the game archive buildup, you need to make sure that the real executable file inside the .app package, has the same name as the .app itself. You can verify this by opening the contents of the .app package using Finder. For example, the figure below shows the WRONG build of the game archive. In this case, the name of the executable fileincludes the name of the version.

Appendix А. How to Create an Archive with the Game Data in macOs

  • Select the necessary files to start the game: in most cases, these are two files: (1) the game itself in .app format and the expload.json file;

  • Call the context menu with the right mouse button and select “Compress items” (Compress items).

  • After compression you will get an file, ready for publication on the Expload platform.