Code Generation for Unity3D

The Pravda project is able to generate an auxiliary code for Unity that provides a convenient way to call program's methods. It uses meta information from the given bytecode to detect and analyse methods of the program.


Important note: The generated code uses Json .NET library for hadling Json. You can download its Unity version from AssetStore.

How to Generate Code

pravda gen unity --input input.pravda

This command will create an Assets folder (if it doesn't exist) and will place several files in it. You should include these files to your Unity project.

How to Use the Generated Code

The generated code uses coroutinues to handle DApp API requests.

For example: if you have the Increment method that takes an integer and increments it in your program, the generated code will include the IncrementRequest class that handles a DApp API request for the calling of the Increment method.

var req = new IncrementRequest(address); // address of program in the blockchain as a byte array
yield return req.Increment(42);

Internally, the IncrementRequest class will be represented as follows:

public class IncrementRequest: ProgramRequest<int> // int is the type of result
    public IncrementRequest(byte[] programAddress) : base(programAddress) { } // address of deployed program in the blockchain

    protected override int ParseResult(string elem) // method that parses Pravda specific format to result value
        return ExploadTypeConverters.ParseInt32(elem); // parse int32 see (data specification)[ref/vm/]

    public IEnumerator Increment(int arg0)
        yield return SendRequest( // send http request to DApp API
            new string[] { ExploadTypeConverters.PrintInt32(arg0) } // print int32 see (data specification)[ref/vm/]


Internally, the generated code uses the auxiliary functionality from the namespace called Expload.Unity.Codegen. The source file of this namespace is located here.